Press releases

Symbolic picture

Gründungswerkstatt comes to THI

Innovative digital event for company founders more
Symbolic image of renewable energies with wind turbines

THI Lecture Series "Energy - Environment - Sustainability"

Experts from science and business read about the topics of the time more
Group of people in front of the castle

AI mobility node takes off

THI with five new professors for artificial intelligence more
Map of the road layout of the IN2Lab test field at Auwaldsee in Ingolstadt

New innovation laboratory for Ingolstadt

Test field for safeguarding automated driving starts more
THI-area with campus meadow

THI gets "research turbo"

Bavarian State Government accelerates High-Tech Agenda more

Lecture series on electromobility becomes international

In the winter semester 2020/21 the contributions come from all over the world more
Schematic representation of a smart market as a locally and temporarily restricted market for flexibility to minimize regulatory redispatch and network expansion

Start of the new research project "EOM-Plus“

Article of the Institute of new Energy Systems (InES) more
The CARISSMA booth at the Safety Week

CARISSMA at the Safety Week 2020

CARISSMA presents itself with a wide range of topics at this year's Safety Week, Europe's largest conference event on vehicle safety. In addition to… more
Tatjana and Lorena Bittner portrait photo

THI student fights for the mental strengthening of young people

Tatjana Bittner, a student in the Bachelor's programme in International Management at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), has created a platform… more
screenshot of app

THI students develop technical solutions for more sustainability

Students of the bachelor's programme Energy Systems and Renewable Energies show that sustainable living can be much more than just doing without. In… more


Please reach the THI press dept. via

Press Officer
Simone Ketterl, M. A.
Phone: +49 841 9348-2135
Room: D019