Press releases

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Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt is „TOP“

FOCUS award as employer for medium-sized businesses 2021 more
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THI builds design bridge to Argentina

Double degree with the University of Buenos Aires more
Group picture of the science slammer

"Zukunftsforum Mobilität" with digital format successful

Over 500 online registrations for 16 lectures and science slams more
[Translate to English:] Aula der THI

THI convinces with concept for young professorships

University receives million-dollar funding to establish a new type of professorial career system for young scientists more
Manon Mandel

Kulturpreis Bayern for THI graduate Manon Mandel

Master thesis on digitisation in the pharmaceutical industry awarded more
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Zukunftsforum Mobilität: The mobile future is present

Transfer project brings science and society together more
Anne-Sophie Kopytynski at the moderation

THI Latin America Centre links the world despite Corona

More than 400 participants from 20 countries informed about mobility of the future more
THI President Prof. Dr. Walter Schober presenting the certificate of appointment to Dr. Holger Hoppe

Founding professor for THI-Campus Neuburg appointed

Holger Hoppe sees great potential in sustainability more
THI students at a lecture in the Klenzepark drill hall

Winter semester at THI with 6000 students

Six new degree programmes at the start more
Opening event of THIntegriert

New programme for the qualification of refugee academics

"THIntegriert" at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt more


Please reach the THI press dept. via

Press Officer
Simone Ketterl, M. A.
Phone: +49 841 9348-2135
Room: D019