Press releases

AI mobility node: New professors conduct research in the field of unmanned flight

Two new professors started at the THI Institute AImotion Bavaria on 1 January. This means that the development of the AI mobility node is right on… more
Two young people hold up a poster.

Helping to shape the energy transition

The newly founded network #StudyGreenEnergy promotes degree programmes in renewable energy. An information event will take place on 27 January. more
Prof. Dr. Dirk Hecht

"Global Sourcing" - more harm than good?

What has to happen now in order not to look like a loser in the competition of the global supply network. more
X-ray image

Trust in Artificial Intelligence

AI can help with medical diagnoses, but do decision-makers trust AI too much? A joint project of the TH Ingolstadt and the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt are… more

5G creates new possibilities for connected mobility

The innovation project "5GoIng" is intended to ensure better traffic flow and at the same time more safety in roundabouts with autonomous driving. more
People with the Auto-Mobile

The proof is in: the first automobile in the history of the world drives

In the past, there were many inventors who tried their hand at constructing a self-propelled object. But probably the first to succeed was Ferdinand… more
Contract signatories sit at the table

Cybersecurity complements THI's IT degree programme

The ESG company supports the training of future cyber security experts with an endowed professorship more

Junior research group is funded for the first time at THI

Funding of young scientists in the context of the announcement "BattFutur" more
Hands lie over each other

THI students go on a "founders' journey" for sustainability

As part of a new project, students are to be made aware of business start-ups that contribute to regional sustainability. more
Moderator in front of the screen

TH Ingolstadt bids farewell to its graduates in a hybrid ceremony and honours outstanding achievements

1186 graduates were able to follow the celebration online. The traditional hat toss was also not to be missed. For the first time, a prize was awarded… more


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Press Officer
Simone Ketterl, M. A.
Phone: +49 841 9348-2135
Room: D019