Press releases

THI invites you to the big Higher Education Information Day (HIT)

On 1 April, the new campus in Neuburg will introduce itself and its degree programmes, followed on 2 April by the campus in Ingolstadt with an… more
Street with cyclists and motorists in the city centre.

THI students develop concepts for cities in South Tyrol

Project group of the study programme "Automotive & Mobility Management" presented their ideas for a 15-minute city to the state government more

Interdisciplinary and unique: the "take-home internship"

In the Bio-Electrical Engineering degree programme, students can also conduct research from home thanks to experimentation boxes. more

Prof. Dr. Walter Schober re-elected as Chairman of Hochschule Bayern

The 19 Bavarian universities of applied sciences confirmed Prof. Dr. Walter Schober in office as Chairman of Hochschule Bayern. Prof. Dr. Martin… more

Neuburg Campus: Prof. Dr. Jana Bochert becomes interim founding dean

Prof. Dr. Jana Bochert, Professor of Construction Informatics, Construction Mechanics and Fundamentals of Civil Engineering, was appointed by the… more

Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences among the ten most popular universities in Germany

Studycheck Award selects the "Top Universities" of Germany from 500 participants each year more

Climate chamber for the EGZ arrived

New milestone in the laboratory expansion of IIMo and CARISSMA more

THI student at the helm of the state student council

The 23-year-old Johanna Weidlich was confirmed in office. Relief for students in the Corona pandemic and the Higher Education Innovation Act are the… more

Minister President Dr Markus Söder opens Bavaria's first High-Tech Agenda Bavaria modular building at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

Record construction time of less than nine months - a model for universities throughout Bavaria. more


Please reach the THI press dept. via

Press Officer
Simone Ketterl, M. A.
Phone: +49 841 9348-2135
Room: D019