Press releases

THI researches AI systems to secure critical energy infrastructure

Artificial intelligence to help detect damage caused by hacker attacks or natural disasters in gas grids more quickly. more

New cybersecurity toolbox designed to protect automated and connected mobility systems

The aim of the European SELFY project is to develop a set of self-assessment and self-protection toolbox to enhance the security and resilience of… more

Start of the advertising campaign for (junior) professorships at Bavarian HAWs

Prof. Dr Marc Aubreville is testimonial of the TH Ingolstadt more

TH Ingolstadt and the FOSBOS Neuburg organised the first major rubbish collection campaign in Neuburg schools

Around 300 pupils and students of the THI cleaned the Neuburg city centre and campus of litter more

Shortage of drivers: Prof. Dr. Stefan Rock calls for old habits to be thrown overboard

He says that the countermeasures of politics will not be enough and that, above all, one must make more use of the possibilities of digitalisation more

Student association raises 1000 euros with THI beer and donates the money to Elisa

Income from the specially brewed beer as part of the ON Campus Festival more

Digital transformation at universities in Bavaria: THI is successful with funding guideline

The digitisation college "eTHIcs" aims to qualify students for the digital transformation more

More than 5000 visitors at the ON Campus Festival of the TH Ingolstadt

After a great science and family programme, the campus turned into a party zone in the evening more

TH Ingolstadt celebrates festival with hands-on science, art, family programme and party

The ON Campus Festival offers a fireworks display of over 90 programme items on Friday, 24 June. Around 5000 visitors are expected more

Establishing a learning lab for innovative learning and working in multi-user virtual reality

THI successful as one of five universities in the "Spatial Laboratories" funding line of the Stifterverband and the Dieter Schwarz Foundation more


Please reach the THI press dept. via

Press Officer
Simone Ketterl, M. A.
Phone: +49 841 9348-2135
Room: D019