Press releases

At the conclusion of the summer semester's Unitag events, the THI and the KU officials, along with the Office of the Ministerial Representative for High Schools, bid farewell to the participating students.

"Unitag" of the THI and the KU: Orientation for highly gifted students

Highly gifted and especially capable young people from the region were able to swap the classroom for the lecture hall at the joint uniday of the… more

Hydrogen as a key to the energy revolution

Dr. Anton Hofreiter (Member of the German Federal Parliament), THI professors and representatives from local politics and business presented the… more

CuNex: Successful foundation with THI participation

The company of Ph.D. student Sri Krishna Bhogaraju and Prof. Gordon Elger is developing novel copper sintering pastes that can be used in a wide range… more
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Mobility in the third dimension: 10th UAM network meeting at THI

The "Urban Air Mobility" initiative in Ingolstadt welcomed five new network partners on June 27th. Representatives from politics, business, and… more
Menschen; Bäume; Gruppe

Kick-off for WaNdel!4 project at the Neuburg campus

The THI develops concepts for applied sustainability at universities in cooperation with the University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde, the… more
eine Frau; vier Männer; Treppenhaus

Excellent new professors at the THI

For the summer semester 2023, six professors have started their work at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt. more

Grow up - Start up! The StartUp Night 2023 of the THI

The Center of Entrepreneurship (CoE) of Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) hosted the second StartUp Night on Wednesday, June 14. more
Menschen, Bühne auf Festival

ON Campus Festival - A firework of science

With a colourful mix of hands-on science, art, family activities and party, the ON Campus Festival at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI)… more

Full E-power ahead - electrified towards the future

The ferry connection between the northern German ports of Norddeich and Norderney is to be electrified and equipped with a new type of fast charging… more
Vertreter der Sauber Motorsport AG analysieren gemeinsam mit Schanzer Racing den SRe22.

Sauber Motorsport AG visits the THI

The enthusiasm for motorsport at the THI is great - this became clear in the packed lecture hall at a presentation by Sauber Motorsport AG in May. The… more


Please reach the THI press dept. via

Press Officer
Simone Ketterl, M. A.
Phone: +49 841 9348-2135
Room: D019