Press releases

Gruppenbild der Brasilien-Kooperation am Campus in Neuburg

Sustainability knowledge for Brazil: ‘sustainED’ project launched

The ‘sustainED - Education Network for Sustainable Futures’ project has been launched at the Neuburg Sustainability Campus of Ingolstadt University of… more
Gruppenbild der Teilnehmenden der Pecha Kucha Night am Cmapus in Ingolstadt

Designers organize Pecha Kucha Night

Unusual perspectives, creative designs, and cool drinks: that's what was on offer at the 4th Pecha Kucha Night organized by the students of the… more
Gruppenbild des Dexcartes Gymnasium

Just a moment to save the world? THI takes part in the Descartes High School's Climate Day

Neuburg Grammar School wants to become a climate school. To get closer to this goal, a climate day was organized with many activities and impulses for… more

Celebrating and helping

THI celebrated its 30th anniversary with a ceremony, art workshops, hands-on science, and a party late into the night. The university supported the… more
Kreisförmige Darstellung von Wasserstoffatomen

H2-Direkt: An idea becomes reality

In the fourth lecture in the successful ‘Energy - Environment - Sustainability’ series, Dr Elke Wanke will be shedding light on the topic of… more
Gruppenbild der Refferierenden/Mitarbeitenden des KI Workshops der Firma Baur

AI workshop for small and medium-sized enterprises at THI

Professor Alexander Baur and his team will be presenting the ‘KI-Transfer Plus’ program of the Bavarian Ministry of Digital Affairs to interested… more
Symbolbild mit Laptop und Person dahinter, Auf dem Bildschirm steht: (N)ever (S)top Learning

Thinking ahead: Open Day at the TCW

The Campus for Continuing Education at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences (TCW) will be presenting its program on Thursday, the 13th of June,… more
Professor Tröber stehend neben einem Fertigungsroboter in den Hallen der Audi AG

The best of both worlds: THI professor Philipp Tröber gains practical experience at Audi

A new federal-state program, the Professional Tenure Track, has allowed Philipp Tröber to work in Audi's PI team alongside his professorship. He is… more

Recycling used batteries: THI and Saubermacher plan co-operation

The recovery and recycling of heavy metals from used batteries is a challenge. Professor Hans-Georg Schweiger and Dr. Yash Kotak from Ingolstadt… more
Flyer des ON-Campus-Festival der THI mit Schriftzug sowie Veranstaltungseckdaten

30 years of THI: University celebrates with ON Campus Festival

A ceremony with Minister of State Markus Blume, hands-on science, and partying late into the night. Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences is… more


Please reach the THI press dept. via

Press Officer
Simone Ketterl, M. A.
Phone: +49 841 9348-2135
Room: D019