As part of a project, students at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences (THI) have developed concepts to upgrade the neighborhood and improve the…
In sunshine and pleasant temperatures, the Friends of THI once again brought together celebrations and research at the Sustainability Campus Neuburg.…
This year's ON Campus Festival took place shortly after the flood disaster, which hit the Ingolstadt area particularly hard. A donation account was…
At the joint University Day organized by Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences (THI) and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU),…
At the final presentation at CARISSMA at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences, the scientists presented their results to the project organizers…
A visit to the lab: 32 children from the Münster kindergarten went on a voyage of discovery at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences and carried…
The InFra project aimed to develop an intelligent traffic light system for a pedestrian crossing. An intelligent roadside infrastructure unit with…