News and Events at THI Business School

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News of the THI Business School

New at THI Business School: Prof. Dr. Katharina Schauberger

With the start of the summer semester 2021, a new professor will be teaching and conducting research at THI Business School: Prof. Dr. Katharina… more

RCM student develops measures to support wineries during pandemic

What impact does the Corona pandemic have on viticulture? And how should winegrowers or wineries deal with it? Tobias Rally, a student in the… more
Screenshot of the zoom video conference

Successful THI Business School online symposium on the topic of "Digital Business Models"

"Excellent" or "very informative and well organized": These and similar were the comments made by the participants of the symposium "Digital Business… more

Study analyzes apps against food waste

The 14- to 24-year-olds, the so-called "Generation Z," attach great importance to the environment, climate protection and sustainability. However,… more

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