News and Events at THI Business School

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17 Mar

Online-Infoveranstaltung Bachelor-Talks

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HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI

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Online Info-Veranstaltungsreihe Master-Talks


News of the THI Business School

The excerpt from a poster for an event on the topic of "Analytics with impact: How to build supply chain heroes in B2B wholesale?

THI Business School and KU invite you to a joint supply chain guest lecture on June 26

On June 26, 2024, THI Business School and KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt invite you to a joint guest lecture by Max Meister and Florian Ostendarp on the… more
A woman with a black blazer in front of a gray background.

Prof. Dr. Tanja Sinha auf dem I FIR Forum 2024 an der Universität Katowice

Das I FIR Forum, das Forum der Fakultät für Finanz- und Rechnungswesen, ist eine internationale Veranstaltung mit dem Themenschwerpunkt Finance und… more
Gruppenbild der Brasilien-Kooperation am Campus in Neuburg

Sustainability knowledge for Brazil: ‘sustainED’ project launched

The ‘sustainED - Education Network for Sustainable Futures’ project has been launched at the Neuburg Sustainability Campus of Ingolstadt University of… more
Two men are each holding the book entitled "Strategy Design Innovation", standing in a modern glass building

THI included in the publication for the Bavarian University Award Entrepreneurship - MöglichMacher23 with concept by Prof. Wittmann and Prof. Jünger

With the Bavarian University Award Entrepreneurship "MöglichMacher", BayZiel (Bavarian Center for Innovative Teaching), together with the Bavarian… more
A lecture hall, two men at a computer in the front, a presentation on the screen next to them, a large number of students opposite.

KPMG workshop in the FMC and SB master degree programs

Students on the Master's degree programs in Financial Management & Controlling (FMC) and Taxation and Consulting (SB) at THI Business School were… more

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