Climate-neutral disposal

The Technische Hochschule (THI) is continuing its successful lecture series ‘Energy - Environment - Sustainability’. On Tuesday, 14th of May, Professor Reinhard Büchl will speak about the paradigm shift in the circular economy.

KI-generiertes Bild eines großen Müllbergs

Where to put the rubbish? Reinhard Büchl discusses climate-neutral waste disposal (symbolic image: Pixabay).

Under the working title ‘Cero2Waste’, the BÜCHL Group, which was officially recognized as a climate protection company by the Federal Ministry of Economics this March, is pursuing the goal of climate-neutral waste disposal. Digitalization and AI are indispensable tools for this. In his presentation, Professor Reinhard Büchl will discuss the paradigm shift in the circular economy and its positive and negative effects on the climate.

The speaker will then be available for a discussion. The event is organized by Professor Sabine Bschorer, Head of the Bachelor's degree course ‘Energy Systems and Renewable Energies’ ( at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The target audience includes students, school pupils, environmental groups, politicians, and anyone else who is interested. The 45-minute lectures take place on Tuesdays at 6.30 pm at the THI, Ingolstadt campus, room G215, and online. The access data can be found at, prior registration is not required. Further information on the lecture series can be found at: